Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation (CCHP) in cooperation with Cultural Heritage without Borders Sweden (CHwB) organized Specialised training on interpretation of intangible heritage and storytelling through film making.
This course is organized within the project “Pictures from Palestine”, funded by the Swedish Institute’s Creative Force initiative which aims at strengthening democracy, creativity & resilience of young adults through making short films, and empowers young women and men to create their own pictures that express the richness, energy and creativity of Palestinian life and challenge negative representation.
First session revolved about the projects goals, oral history and interpretation by the international expert Diana Walters, followed by a presentation about the heritage, its importance as a tool for development and the remarkable initiatives CCHP implemented in Palestine by Mays Salsa’.
In return, Mr. Khalil Shokeh talked about the history of photography in Palestine and in particular in Bethlehem. This session was followed by theoretical and practical sessions of photography by the photographer Rami Rishmawi.