The target group for this workshop was the tourism sector of Beit Sahour: tour guides, hotel, souvenir shop, and restaurant owners and operators were all invited. Guests included Ms. Sahar Rishmawi general Manager of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Mr. Antonio La Rocca, Director of the Italian Cooperation-Jerusalem.
Mr. Hani Al-Hayek, mayor of Beit Sahour declared the importance of this project to the town and its inhabitants and the activities and services included within. In addition, he emphasized the need to protect our cultural heritage and use it correctly to revive the area of the Old Market, which is centrally located in the historic city.
Arch. Dima Ateeq (CCHP) presented the second design and explained how it was developed from the 1st drafts of designs as a direct result of feedback gathered from the first 2 workshop. Mrs. Mays Salsa', Head of Public Awareness and Public Relations (CCHP) presented the information gathered and documentation made from the residents and business owners of the area thus far.
Eng. Hannan Manoli, Project Development & Public Relations Department manager from Beit Sahour Municipality, provided an overview of the Old Market Project and its main activities. Despite the low attendance, the workshop generated essential feedback from the local tourism sector representatives that will help shape the Requalification Project and assure its long-term success.