Public Awareness
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Public Awareness

The Public Awareness unit invests time and efforts in community awareness as part of its integrated strategy for the sustainable preservation and the development of cultural heritage resources, targeting all community segments and specific groups such as women, youth, students, policy-makers, tourism sector and many other professionals involved in the field of preservation.

Various tools and methods are used to engage the general public, such as information days and workshops, site visits, voluntary works, publications and pioneer projects.

To date, CCHP has conducted around 1,010 activities and succeeded in reaching out to more than 38,400 individuals, thereby promoting a change in public awareness of the value of cultural heritage and the need for it to be protected.


A tool used to introduce students to their cultural heritage and to subsequently encourage them to communicate their understanding of this heritage by using their talents in either writing or drawing.  CCHP has conducted this contest 4 times targeting more than 2,500 students.

Within the frame of Heritage for Development project, the Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation (CCHP) and Bethlehem municipality organized a photo competition, which aims to raise the public awareness about cultural heritage resources of Bethlehem, and contribute to revealing part of the hidden heritage of the old town.

A project for school children which enables them to "define" the heritage of their community that they find important and valuable and expressing that view through drawing, writing, or photography.  This project was conducted with different schools for four times and targeting more than 600 students.

CCHP makes use of up-to-date tools to reach its goals and raise awareness among the various target groups of the community. One of these tools is the Young Engineer Project which aims to create awareness among the students about Palestinian heritage in general and Bethlehem's heritage in particular.

The aim of these organized site visits to on-going and completed projects in the district is to demonstrate a vivid example of the preservation of cultural heritage and its impact on the society, in addition to introducing locals to their heritage sites and places that they would have never noticed.  More than 8,150 persons participated in these visits through CCHP.

A tool that targets policy-makers and the general public, as well as children and youth, aimed at drawing their attention to the role they can play in protecting Palestinian cultural heritage.

CCHP as well plans, coordinates and organizes for official meetings and events such as the signing agreements days, information days and inauguration days. Through this method, CCHP communicates ideas and information which allows immediate interaction between all the participants.