It is worth mentioning that until the end of the year 2010, and throughout the 'Job Creation through Rehabilitation' programme CCHP was able to rehabilitate twenty one buildings, and to create around 55'000 working days for labourers in building sites. The book also tackles the impact of these projects on the society which includes saving cultural identity, capacity building, revitalization of historic city centres, job creation, development of tourism sector, providing a better future for children and protecting rights of the Palestinians, in addition to explaining the procedure in which these projects are implemented.
The awareness programmes that accompany the rehabilitation process are also viewed in this publication: presentations and lectures, site visits, community participation activities, and pioneer projects – programmes that not only contribute to raising the public awareness on cultural heritage, but also strengthens their commitment towards the implemented projects.
This publication is also meant to pay tribute to the efforts of the Swedish Development International Cooperation Agency 'Sida' in supporting the preservation of the Palestinian Cultural Heritage.