The workshop was attended by Mr. Tawfiq Salah mayor of Al-Khader, number of inhabitants of the area and stakeholders, representatives of local organizations and CCHP team. Mr. Salah welcomed the audience and pointed out to the importance of developing the area and its facilities, and the need for community participation in order to best accomplish this project. As well, he thanked all society institutions especially CCHP.
Arch. Luma Qumsieh, project supervisor from CCHP presented the project, its goals, current problems and issues, and stressed out on the importance of this project in developing the area and enhance it commercially and touristy.
Whereas, Ms. Mays Salsa', director of PR and Awareness Dept. at CCHP, stressed on the importance of the community outreach activities and participation, in order to plan and design the project according to the needs of the stakeholders, and viewed some of the CCHP similar projects and accomplishments.
At the end of the workshop, Al-Khader Municipality and CCHP opened the space for discussions and suggestions from the audience, who discussed certain issues and serious problems they are facing in the area. The most important problems were the public hygiene of the area, bad implementation, drainage problems, and lack of parking for the public cars.